Diverse Companies outperform competitors

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Research shows that diverse companies outperform competitors by 35%... So, what's stopp...

By Amy Halls

Senior Marketing & Talent Manager

Research shows that diverse companies outperform competitors by 35%... So, what's stopping companies from reflecting the diverse communities we live in? 

To be successful, diversity and inclusion requires a top-to-bottom mindset and not just an HR program that ticks some boxes. Workplace diversity and inclusion are top of mind these days and this will only continue to grow in importance as companies invest more in their diversity and inclusion programs. 

What more can I be doing? 
  • Ongoing Skill Development for Staff
    "Train all employees to understand and engage with inclusion in how they do their jobs and work with colleagues" 

  • Leadership: be the example 

  • Address any internal biases with better processes (both hiring and retention)
    "Focus on fairness, inclusion and transparency, ensuring that merit, competence and potential are the basis for all decisions about recruitment and development, and be alert to the influence of conscious and unconscious biases."

  • Partnerships and Collaborations: Seek the experts and learn from them. There are so many brilliant organizations that companies can partner with when developing a more diverse and inclusive workplace

  • Measure and track the steps you're taking and make adjustments according to the data 

illustration of diverse humans

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