How to prepare for your interview
28 Sept, 20185 minsSphere's James Johnson gives us his 4 steps to the perfect preparation for your next intervi...

Sphere's James Johnson gives us his 4 steps to the perfect preparation for your next interview...
It may sound simple but preparing thoroughly for your next interview really can be the difference between you having a great interview or the interview not going well at all.
It’s never going to be possible to predict every question, but it is entirely possible to enter your interview with a strong sense of what to expect and how to approach each question.
Here are few tips on what to do to boost your confidence and leave the interview knowing you’ve done everything in your power to present your best self.
Step 1: Research the company thoroughly
Having a firm knowledge of the company and the role will enable you to answer the questions in a much more tailored way. Being fully clued up on the company will help you stand out from the competition
Top tip: Conduct your research beyond the company’s website. Are they in the news? What’s been written about them recently? What’s happening on their social media?
Step 2: Know your values and ask questions
Asking great questions that give you the answers to the things you want to know about is so important when interviewing. It also shows the interviewer you’re engaged and interested in the company/role. Don’t miss out on the opportunity!
Top tip: Think about asking questions on:
The company
- What is it about the company that made you want to join / makes you want to stay?
- What is the company renowned for in the industry?
- What are the company’s future plans?
The team
- What are the personalities of the people I would be working with?
- How closely does this department work with other areas of the company?
- To what extent do you encourage staff to interact between departments?
The job
- How would you describe a typical day for the person doing this job?
- What would I have to do for you to feel I had done a really good job?
- What competencies are you looking for the new person to have?
Read: 10 great questions to ask in your next interview...
Step 3: Prepare answers to common questions
Equally, you need to have answers to some standard questions and preparation is key. Try and keep your answers succinct, specific and honest. Don’t over think it.
Top tip: Jot down some responses and rehearse them. Ask someone if they’ll help you with a mock interview to increase your confidence and polish your presentation skills.
Step 4: Know what you’re bringing to the table
Don’t worry that you might be selling yourself in a way that’s cheesy or gimmicky. You’ll have skills and experiences that set you apart from the competition and acknowledging and highlighting this is perfectly acceptable in your interview.
Top tip: When preparing for an interview, consider how your skill set translates into the role and demonstrate to the interviewer how it will help contribute to the team’s overall goals.