The New Normal Coping with Social Distancing
25 Mar, 20205 minsNow more than ever, we need to turn to each other: in an ever-changing and anxiety-inducing ...

Now more than ever, we need to turn to each other: in an ever-changing and anxiety-inducing time, how can we learn to adapt to our new normal, away from the physical support of our family, friends, and colleagues?
We asked our team how they’re coping with social distancing and any coping mechanisms that they can share.
"My mood changes hourly... I can be really positive and then something will happen, either in the news, or in something that affects us personally, and I feel really anxious. "
"I've been sticking to daily yoga, getting out of the house (while we can) for walks, and staying in touch over videos with family and friends."
"This is a really uncertain time, so being kind to yourself and allow for moments of anxiety. I want to remain as positive as possible though. We will come out of this stronger!"
“I work from home once a week anyway, so the whole adjusting to WFH wasn't as big a deal to me. I miss my colleagues though, it's those little daily interactions that you previously take for granted, that I won't again."
"My team and I are still having virtual tea time as we would do in the office, it's 15 minutes of our day just to have a giggle!"
"The social distancing will hit me more as the weeks go by. Mostly I feel anxious about my friends who live on their own as it can be such an isolating thing. We are fortunate to live in a very digitally connected world, and I am super grateful for that... we facetimed our 93-year-old granddad yesterday - amazing! "
"We have to make sure at this time we are doing more of the little things... checking in, little calls, more messages, etc.”
“With all the mixed info about the Corona Virus, you feel horrendous guilt for leaving your house even just for essentials! And then when you do go there's no food anyway. It's just adapting to this weird new situation we've found ourselves in."
"To cope I've turned off all news except Boris' daily updates. I keep re-affirming that I'm doing everything in my power to keep others and myself safe!”
“Not being able to go the gym; not being able to see friends; feeling panicked as you can't find anything in the shops; and the boredom"
“I'm just trying to keep to a routine, so getting up at my normal time (although using the extra time I have got not commuting to work to make a cup of tea and watch a bit of TV - but not the news!). I'm trying to exercise in the morning and make sure I get showered and dressed/make up on as if I was going to work so I'm in work mode!
"Sticking to set meal times and trying not to snack too much... although that bit is super hard haha! And, making sure I get out for at least half an hour at lunchtime for a walk and fresh air (whilst we still can!)
"Logging off as soon as we've had our end of day catch up with the managers and again watching some TV/have dinner but avoiding the news where possible!!”
“I think having people around me helps and the funny voice notes people are sending!”
"I'm missing the office environment! It has been hard to not see everyone at work physically, although video calls have made this better and it has helped to keep morale at a good level.
It has also been tough to be cooped up inside all day, especially living on my own and not having flatmates to bounce off of. The other thing that has been hard is how quiet it is! I have had the radio on to help emulate the mood of being in the office but it is nothing like the buzz of the sales floor."
"To cope with everything, I'm making sure to spend time catching up with friends and family. From having a family WhatsApp group to face timing your friends, maintaining that level of communication has been really key as I have been isolated.
It's important to make sure to take time to exercise and do the things you enjoy. For me that means going for a run every day and cooking, it is really important to get yourself into hobbies and use the downtime productively if you can - this will help you turn the situation into a positive.
My other key tip is meditation, this is something I use to cope with stress and anxiety all the time but is particularly useful at the moment, it really works, anyone can do it and most of the main apps have made their lessons free during the Covid-19 period."
"During this time of social distancing and all the hysteria in the news, it is easy to get caught up with feelings of anxiety and a sense of panic especially without distractions of going out and about and carrying on with every day life."
Things I have felt that have helped:
- Being surrounded by family – in these times it is important to be with loved ones
- Have a really supportive team with regular video calls and catch ups as well as a brilliantly connected company with things very much as business as usual
- Regular tea breaks and getting out in the fresh air a few times a day
- Speaking to my lovely candidates and clients
- Avoiding the news as much as possible
"I’m really feeling amazed by the sense of social community and the support people have for one another in a time of social distancing!"
If you're struggling, please reach out to someone who can help. We've linked a list of charities who are available to speak to, here.
If you have any other suggestions on how we can cope during this time, please do share them with us on Linkedin and Instagram where we will share more.