Unparalleled Growth in Programmatic and OOH with Dom Kozak, Head of Programmatic at JCDecaux

By Ed Steer

CEO and Founder at Sphere Digital Recruitment

“We’re seeing unparalleled growth” in the rise of programmatic and Out-of-Home. In our latest episode of the Life in Digital Podcast, we are joined by Dom Kozak, Head of Programmatic at JCDecaux, recent winner of the 2022 'Ad Tech Hero' award at New Digital Age’s ‘NDA  Heroes Awards’.

Ed and Dom talk about the importance of relevance and how the future of seeing OOH ads in real time, is right around the corner. We delve into digitisation and how programmatic is playing a vital role in JCDecaux and the wider OOH space.


Location Matters: https://www.jcdecaux.co.uk/location-matters

GumGum Life in Digital Episode: https://anchor.fm/lifeindigital/episodes/Optimising-Attention-in-Advertising--Peter-Wallace--SVP-of-Sales-at-GumGum-e1hklmd

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